Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Okayy!!! so today is Tuesday the 2nd and im in week 2!!

last week i bought a 3 pack 8gb usb's!! so i have one with me for extra back up!
"backing up, backing up, backing up coz my daddy taught me good and im backing the hell outta there and im like oh my god, oh my god, my god" :)

okay so anyway back to what happened today... i had a class with Mr Darren and i asked him a few questions about my photoshop colour world that im working on. I made a custom sized canvas (600x176mm) and i wanted to know if that sizing would work in the 16:9 widescreen that the animation would be completed on. I also wanted to know how to make the clouds move and give my 2D colour world a 3D space/feel , so there is depth in the Z direction from the camera.

So he showed me in After Effects how to scale my background to size and use a camera in After Effects and change the individual layers of each element and make them look like they were in different areas in the sky.

In my original storyboard i had Alice draw the door, swirls come out from the sides, then door opens and see the colour world through the door frame,
New idea Alice draws the door, swirls come out the sides and form a spiral tree, then door opens with a blinding light, close up of Alice surprised, puts hand on rose pendant , cut to pan of colour world, after seeing the world she places the rose pendant on the floor of black and white world and then walks off into the distance of colour world, door closes behind her, rose pendant changes to colour! DONE!

well... not really done, i still have some issues with the new idea, the only thing i can do is draw up some thumbnails of the new scenes/shots and see how it works out. Also just realised that the new changes is going to change the timing, its going to be longer AND its not going to be the same as my animatic which is designed for timing!!!

blahh blahh :)

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