AIM: To report the process of the animation production.
Since the starting of working on my animation I have had help from every person in my class, whether it is a big problem or a small problem, I always have my fellow class mates helping me out. I feel that I do the same for them when they need help as well.
As I am working on this animation on my own and I don’t need any work from fellow classmates, I haven’t had any problems with them.
During the starting of the mid year holidays, I decided that I would take the first week off then once the second week came I would start working on my animation. However I got really sick a few days before the second week came and couldn’t work on anything during the whole month of June. So that was a major setback and only could start working on my animation in the starting of July.
The main problems I’m having is getting my music organised as I’m getting a musician to do the music for me, we have been e-mailing each other but finding it hard to meet for a consultation because we are both so busy. I have given him the days and times I’m either at work or uni and also given him my mobile number.
During week 2 I decided to change some of my storyboard shots, which isn’t a very good idea, however I believe that the changes that I have done is for the better and makes the story flow and has a better understanding. To fix this problem I drew up the new shots for my animation and placed them in my composition for my animatic. So now I have a running comp that is correct with the right shots.
With my 3D room set I had an issue where I didn’t want the textures to be straight black and white, I really wanted it to be more like the look of ink and water together which gives it a washed out black and white colour. I had showed Jack my concept Art and explained to him how I wanted it to look, he said that I could organise the UVs in each item and print them out, then make a copy with the LightBox and use ink and water and paint that area.
So the only problem I had was trying to organise the little pieces of UVs back together.
Another problem I had was that the version of ToonBoom I have on my computer doesn’t work with the version at uni and vice versa. To solve this problem I got one of my good friends to reboot my mini laptop back to factory settings because it was full of viruses. I loaded back only the programs I needed, which includes ToonBoom.
What are slowing me down?
The first this that pops into my head that slows me down is going to work on Sunday 9:45am – 5pm and then on Monday 8:45am-5:30pm. I don’t mind working on Sundays, but working on Mondays is a waste of time and is a whole day of not being able to do any uni work. I get really tired working two full days in a row and so when I get home I can’t concentrate on any work.
Other things that are slowing me down are the programs that I’m using for my animation; I’m still learning each program as I go.
Getting assignments that can’t be done in class time is also something that slows me down, especially essays that are a few 1000 words, I like to take my time and start early on them, this means I don’t have time to work on my animation.
Things that are working well for me is my Colour world, since the holidays I have done heaps of layouts to see how I want it to look. The only issue I’m having with it is the colour of my main mushroom/tree. I have been looking at colour wheels to see what colours complement each other.
Also my painted textures are working well for me. All I need to do is assign each texture to its item in the room.
Problem Solving.
The story I hear every time is that students lose their work and don’t have any back up. To solve this problem for myself I have my main hard drive that I use all the time, and I also keep a usb with back up of my production with me as well.
At home I have a copy of my production on another hard drive and an extra back up of my production on a usb. So in total I have 4 back up files and I’m thinking of putting my production on my laptop.
My 7 week milestones
- Sound:
Rough cut of sound & list of foley
- 3D Background:
All 3D elements complete & camera set
(Render in Week 10)
- 2D Colour World:
All 2D elements of colour world complete
- Alice:
75% of key frames complete.
I always make lists of things that I need to do, or haven’t done. I made a list of everything that I need to finish before week 7 (milestones)
- Sound:
1. Rough Sound
2. List of Foley
- 3D Background:
1. Finish Bunny & Fairy Toy.
2. Wall with a Door that Opens & Closes.
3. Add Textures to Items.
4. Make Paper, Pencil & Paint Brushes.
5. Set Camera Shots & Still Photographs.
- 2D Colour World:
1. Finish Mushroom/Tree.
2. 2nd Layer of Cloud (Foreground)
3. Panning shot in After Effects with 3D View.
- Alice:
1. Key Frames.
Where I wish I was up to.
If I wasn’t so sick during the mid year holidays I would probably be working on animating Alice. The goal I want to achieve is to complete my 7 week milestones and work really hard to complete this animation.
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