AIM: to report the process of the animation production.
During the two week holidays I decided that I would continue working on my animation and complete the 3D world and hopefully begin a good quality render. I began with getting the last of the UVs I need for my room and textured them, then I adjusted most of the textures to make them look darker, I did this because most of the textures look the same and I didn’t want them to get lost in each other. I only got stuck on two items that I couldn’t figure out to fix. They were the book shelve and the door with the handle. Because there are so many textures to one item I couldn’t figure out how to assign them to the book shelve. Also with the door handle I couldn’t seem to just select the door on its own and the UV layout that Jack did for the door handle before the holidays went back to its original state.
I also had another problem where I would render a section of my items and the textures came up really weird and looked like they were from the 60’s, I didn’t know how to fix it and I did e-mail Jack but never heard back.
I also organised my music time for Kenny which is the musician that will be doing my violin piece; I also gave him an example of a song that I really like. I also went through and found most of my sound effects that I need for my film.
Before the holidays Jack helped me make a playblast from my master camera in my 3D world so I could start doing some test animating, because there are 2500 frames and they weren’t named, I decided to make a render shot reference folder where I organised each frame into each shot folder. I also found a problem where the file saved as an .IFF and when I tried importing it into ToonBoom it couldn’t read the file, so I had to change only the few frames that I could work off and save them as a .JPEG file.
More problems I came across was that I wanted to test my pencil tests with a render, so when the render finished and I watched it, the ToonBoom logo flashed everywhere over my pencil test. The reason this happened was because I didn’t have the full version of ToonBoom. There was however an openGL section in the export list which exported as an image sequence however the size of the file only stopped at 1600, and I need 1920x1080. Another problem was that the quality wasn’t that great. My holidays ended up being “I have a problem with everything day” and on Thursday night I decided to buy a new laptop to work off at uni and also became very sick and got stuck in bed from Friday to Monday so I couldn’t do any work and I couldn’t even set up my new laptop till Monday.
Once the holidays were over and uni started on Tuesday, I got as much help as I could get from my teachers. Nothing seemed to work for ToonBoom, the only option is to get the full version or work in the animation cupboard to animate which would be bad because I wouldn’t even be able to work at night. When Wednesday came everything changed thanks to Sean, he got a full version of ToonBoom and now when exporting works perfectly, that problem got solved and so did my other problems in 3D. it seems that I had history still on my items which made the textures look like they were from the 60’s, Jack also helped me with the door handle and how to select just the door as well, so I added the textures to them, I also got help with the book shelve, Jack simply colour assigned each section for me and all I had to do it get the right texture and assign over the colour.
I had wrote down for my milestones that in week 10 my 3D should be rendered and I did get this timing right, on Friday Jack showed me how to render, I started at 2:13pm, 2500 frames later and the render is complete at 5:40pm. However it didn’t run smoothly all the way I did get an error and it stopped rendering at frame 1309, Jack showed me how to fix it if it was to happen again (lucky it didn’t). When looking at my final rendered images I noticed that some of them are a bit blurry, Jack said to me that I can always fix it up and then render that section of my shot.
One more thing is that they saved as a .IFF file and Jack showed me how to change them to a different file that ToonBoom will like.
Where I wish I was?
In my head I was hoping I would be doing post-production now but in reality I haven’t even started animating. It’s already week 11 and uni finishes in week 14, I need to get cracking and start working or not everything in my animation will be complete. Accounting here I come.
Problems I’m still having?
I had sent an e-mail to Kenny giving him some more examples of what I want for the music and asking if I could have a rough recording so I could at least have something to go by. I still haven’t heard from him. I do however have a plan B which is an acoustic guitar version.
And finally wants on my mind right now: I’m freaking out.
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