AIM: To report the progress of the animation production.
Already the end of week 12, I am sorry to say that I am very behind.
I've been having many problems with my 3D background. I'm up to my 3rd render and its starting to look a lot better then the last two renders that were done.
I will see the final renders today because Jack took the file with him to finish off the renders. It was mostly because his computer is better and students aren't aloud in class room on their own. Jack finished at 12pm so he couldn't stay behind.
I have been working on my animating with my old rendered backgrounds. I was originally putting to much detail in my pencil test drawings and Jack said i should use a circle for the head and a vertical line for the body. Jack said that animating is fast and that I shouldn't spend too much time on the one movement/shot. After that i do my final pencil lines and colour a few of the frames in to see what it looks like. Its coming along okay, Its easy to do my colour because my character is just black and white, so she doesn't get lost in the background because there mostly grays. I like the way it looks because she doesn't belong there.
I had sent an e-mail to Kenny about the music and he wrote back with a bit of a problem. For some reason he can't sent the music file over e-mail and I will need to meet him to get the file. He has asked for this Saturday to pick it up, however i don't know if i will be able to because there is so much work to do. I will make a plan and I most likly will pick it up tomorrow.
Time has gone so fast and I'm actually worried that i won't get this done in time, or I might just not as well as i hoped it would come out. It time for long nights and work hard.
I think because of all the stuff ups I'm having I've lost some confidence and I feel like i won't get it done.
I just have to believe because "impossible is nothing".
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