Today i worked on the room and the items that are in the 3D room.
i fixed up my camera shots and now they are in place, however i do have some shots that i think are too fast. I think that timing is really important in my animation so i want to get it right.
I e-mailed Jack asking him how i could make a master camera so i could play blast my shots. He actually wrote back :P and said that the master camera is in Maya 11. I'm using Maya 08.
So he sent me a link of a download for M08 so i can play blast my shots.
I have no idea how to do it!! So he said i can wait till Wednesday and he will help me out.
The next thing i did was download a program called 'Sound Librarian' which lets you search for sound effects or music and you can use it for free! So i went through that for a bit.
I decided to work on my fairy toy that i want in the room, it's slowly coming along because i'm making some mistakes. I don't have Jack to guide me through it so it's trial and error all the way. Of course i'm learning as i go!
So the next thing to do is to add the toys and other items into the room.

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