Sunday, October 2, 2011

Day Seven.

Sunday - end of week one holidays.

This is bad.

I'm not where i thought i would be right now, im a little behind, simply because i have no idea what im doing.
I went to import the image sequence into Toonboom so i could start doing test animating. I hit a wall when the file that the images are saved under are .IFF and Toomboom doesnt support these type of files. So then i selected one of the images and opened it up as a .IFF and then had to go into file and save the image as a .JPEG, then i tried importing again and it worked.

So i thought cool i can change the files and start working. YEAH until i realised that i would have to do it for 2500 FRAMES!!! i really think its a waste of time and i could do it with the final render images, i would be sitting at the computer for days just saving the images.
i just dont know what to do and time is going so fast, stupid day light savings.

I said i wanted to go to uni on monday and do a final render but now im thinking i can't do it because i have a few things that still need to be fixed and i just want to fix up the images and animate at the same time.

Now i have no idea what to do, i don't even know if im going to get anything done.
When we go back the first day im going to get asked "so how much work did you get done over the holidays?" and im going to say "nothing, im becoming an accountant."
and then start crying.


Now im thinking if i should just go to uni tomorrow and do a image sequence playblast with the textures that i have and work off them, but it still puts me in the situation of having to go through 2500 frames and changing them to .JPEGs.

I'm spiraling into a pool of madness.

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