Monday, October 24, 2011


yes it is... soooo fun! ahh NOT.

I've tried rendering my 3D room and im having no luck. I've organised each image sequnce into there shot folder and wrote next to them the problem i'm having.

i shall show you a picture.

so yeah. im missing frames, textures look pixelated and crap. a section like the floor looks bad which means other frames that show the floor look bad. Its just really fustrating and i want it to work.

Ive been animating, but its taking a long time, im trying to animate my long shots first with the most movements. So i've been doing pencil tests and then going over them for the final pencil and also editing at the same time. Im using my old render backgrounds and ive made a few frames longer and also gotten rid of some. So when i FINALLY get the right render of my 3D room, i can import them in and edit it to my old renders.

and it should be all good.

i got lots of animating to do.

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