I had decided to add in a few new shots and also take away some shots. Other shots are still the same but I've changed the camera angle or how long the shot goes for.
These are the shots:
I decided to have Alice say "Mum" when she hits her head on the door. I did this so the audience would have a clear understanding of who the person was that pushed Alice into her room.
I decided that she would look at her bed then up at the window to show that she wants to escape.
The chalk is close to her so that when she turns to take her first step towards her bed, she steps on the chalk.
The chalk is close to her so that when she turns to take her first step towards her bed, she steps on the chalk.
I got rid of two shots, i thought they were not required
Shot 10c goes straight to shot 12a.
Shot 10c goes straight to shot 12a.
My original idea was that Alice picks up the chalk, notices the strange shimmer and then walks to the blank spot on the wall and starts to draw a door.
I decided that after Alice picks up the chalk and notices a shimmer in the center, she looks at her bed room door then looks at the blank spot on the wall, walks over to the blank spot then draws the door.
I decided that after Alice picks up the chalk and notices a shimmer in the center, she looks at her bed room door then looks at the blank spot on the wall, walks over to the blank spot then draws the door.
so i changed it that she looks at her room door first so the audience can understand that she got the idea to draw a door because she can't get out from her room door.

This shot was just changed so that when she was drawing the lines for the door you only saw the chalk and not her hand holding it.
I got rid of the old shot.
This is the new shot, I know its hard to see sorry, but after she draws the door knob (and basic line of door) a magical frame appears to show the full structure of the door.
Drops chalk after seeing structure appear. Alice stays in silhouette.
So with this shot i had a basic "swirls come out from door frame" thing happening, i decided that i still want swirls coming out from the door frame but i want it to form a tree and i want it to finish on the roof.
In this shot the door opens, light shines, Alice is in silhouette and the shot zooms into the door just above Alice's head.
Shows a full Panning shot of the colour world.
So with this shot i had a basic "swirls come out from door frame" thing happening, i decided that i still want swirls coming out from the door frame but i want it to form a tree and i want it to finish on the roof.
In this shot the door opens, light shines, Alice is in silhouette and the shot zooms into the door just above Alice's head.
Shows a full Panning shot of the colour world.
Shows Alice, looks surprised, then looks down at rose pendant becomes sad, hand comes up and touches it.
So that is all the changes in my Storyboards i hope they make sense.
I will of course update everything i work on. Today i had work so i actually did'nt get much work done. i mostly fixed up my Storyboards and organised this post for it.
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